Sunday, October 09, 2005


Parts of this weekend have been relatively blah. Overall it was good. I can't complain about too much. This week is going to straight up suck with the three exams (one which will be impossible) I must take.

Tonight I found Cdigix. It's pretty neat for my uses. I don't think I'll ever need to port music away from my laptop so the free downloading works out well for me. So next to being creatively stimulated through music, I have also tried to draw... since I haven't done any in a while.

Again, a messed up perspective and no depth. I don't have the artistic ability to see or create those things. Anyway, it's supposed to be a guy horizontal on an outward incline (15 degrees), doing a one armed hang and a flagged left foot. Whatever.

Too bad there's no substance in this post, but it's sleep time so you'll have to wait till another time.

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