Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Greetings from Las Vegas. There seems to be plenty of wifi access in the airport. Free, albeit slow internet. Yes, there are slot machines everywhere in airport... scattered around in clumps for anyone's gambling pleasure. As we were flying in, the pilot said it was a brisk 93 degrees out so I'm glad I can just sit in the airport. It's 2 PM here whereas it's 5 PM in the real world (Maryland). That's all I've got right now. See ya'll at the next access point.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Tomorrow I leave for the airport waaay early in the morning. Our flight isn't until 11:00 AM but since my sister is dropping us off and needs to be in at work, we'll probably be leaving the house around 6:00. We fly into Las Vegas and have a couple hours in layover. Then we're going to fly into Honolulu.

That's my hotel for a few days. It's right on the Waikiki beach front so I'll probably get a nice tan. Then from there we board our boat (I think it'll be Monday).

The Pride of Hawaii. It looks like a pretty nice boat from what I can gather from the floor plans. Apparently there's a tapas bar that is open all the time and doesn't charge anything extra. That's good news to me, because I enjoy a quality round of tapas. The only thing the ship is missing is a rock wall. I'll just have to find some other way to spend my time. I'll be bringing my laptop with me so I may be online whenever I can find a hotspot. But if I can't, see ya'll on the 11th.

Friday, June 23, 2006


Six months and one day. And I've lost my blue hairband while changing my oil. That little thing meant a lot to me, so I hope I can find it.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Whenever I drive into school, I'm always scanning the radio stations to see if anyone's playing my song. Ridin' by Chamillionaire.

Monday, June 19, 2006


I've consistently seen two bunnies in the front yard this week. One is of a smaller size while the other is about medium size. I'm pretty sure we dined on Papa bunny.

Happy Fathers Day, by the way.

Sunday, June 18, 2006


Tonight's movies included Memoirs of a Geisha and The Last Samurai. Very interesting.

Saturday, June 17, 2006


Tonight I was sorting through all of the pictures I've stolen from other people through webshots, facebook, etc. and I was pleasantly surprised. This past year had a lot of great memories and some great pictures, mostly due to some awesomely random bashes. You know, fun events that are thrown together just because. Booher's party, Jayme's ball, thanksgiving dinner, mystery dinner theater, nerf war, zombie party, and probably bunches of things that I'm forgetting. Who in the world does these sort of things? Well anyone who doesn't should because they're refreakindiculously fun.

I enjoy browsing through my pictures. Some remind me of the good times I've had, others remind me of how far I've come.

Friday, June 16, 2006


Holy mackerel. Never before have I had this much trouble trying to form a fist. Yesterday we had a climbing marathon and spent about six hours at Earthtreks Columbia. I've seemed to have hit my next level as I was able to do my first V2 and almost finish my first 5.10. I would be really happy if I could do V3/4s and complete several 5.10s because that would put me at about average climbing skill.

This is going to sound rather strange, but I've come to a new shirt-off policy. It's actually really intuitive. Before, I used to evaluate whether or not a guy should have his shirt off by his musculature. I mean, if you've got nothing to show off then please, don't go showing it off. But then, guys who do have it are probably doing just that and nobody likes a show off... put a shirt on. So therefore, a guy may only take his shirt off if 1) it is really hot or 2) he's fixing his farmer's tan. That's my new policy. There's no reason why somebody should have their shirt off in an indoor gym. Simple and settled.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Acronymers, you will love this: Mensa Puzzles

Download and fill in the blanks... it even has an answer checker! Thus far, I've gotten 20 of them.

edit: I figured out three more with an itty-bitty amount of help, so I don't think those count fully. Upon finding the answers, there are 5 of those facts which I definitely did not know so I don't think it would have been possible for me to figure them out.

edit2: Sorry about the broken link. It's fixed now.

Sunday, June 11, 2006


99 bottles of beer on the wall. 99 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall.

Thursday, June 08, 2006


And then I browned the meat, added water and a bunch of vegetables and let it cook for almost three hours. It tasted like stringy chicken. Andy's dad called to tell me that I was a brave man.


There are a couple of things that I can think of that I really dislike. One of the items towards the top of the list is breakups. I mostly hate breakups... and I say mostly because occasionally there are those relationships where you say (usually behind their backs), "Man, she has just gotta loose that jerk because she deserves better." But anyway, it seems to me that even the most amiable terminations of a relationship cut pretty deep. It's pretty easy to sense the pain and just plain awkward to listen to someone justify the breakup. How does one react when this sort of thing unexpectedly comes up in conversation? I am really bad at comforting people so maybe it's just me. Oh, and I should also mention that empathizing with breakupees only makes me more scared of relationships. Yeah so note to self, never become a breakup counselor.

On a completely separate note, I had a semi-strange dream last night. I was having a bunch of fun on some lake (apparently near the Crazy House) with friends, but then these guys in suits start chasing us all over the place. We try to hide and loose them by they keep following us. Finally, they do catch me and two other people and sit us down for interrogation. Somehow, I'm able to steal the gun out of the agent's holster and pull the trigger twice. I think I was feeling angry and really wanted to take him out because I tried to put two bullets in his chest without hesitation. Alas, the clip was empty... he pulled another gun on me and found that he didn't have any ammo neither. Then the guy in the suit tries to attack me, but I bludgeon him to death with the hilt of the pistol. It was kind of traumatic. I'm not sure why or how I can remember this particular dream in such detail, nor am I sure why I find it necessary to write about it here. I am interested, though, to see if anyone has some interpretations for me.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


I love the summertime.

Sunday, June 04, 2006


Usually, I am not good at enforcing rules unless 1) someone is snoring (for the good of the cabin, I will turn them over or exile them to a non-snoreless room) or 2) there is a ridiculous level of miscommunication. Situation number two seems to be the case in the house. It's not every day that I come home to find out that a stranger will be living in the house for some time. I'm sort of stunned and am not sure what to do. It's kind of like, "WTC is going on around here?!?"


It seems as if I've got a mild case of insomnia tonight. Not really, actually. I just had a pretty decent dose of caffiene earlier tonight, not thinking that such a drink would have an effect on my system. Of course, after two hours (plus some) of trying to fall asleep I realize I was fairly off. I've tried a few of my techniques but have had little success. Eating, toe wiggling (a few minutes is supposed to increase blood circulation and relax the body and mind), and now blogging. That's right, I do associate blogging with falling asleep since I typically do it late at night. Anyway, I find that whenever I close my eyes my mind takes off racing. The effects of sleep deprivation are often compared to the effects of alcohol. I would most likely agree that some of my decision making processes are impaired right now.

Ah, a yawn. A big one too. Maybe the blogging is working after all.

Friday, June 02, 2006


I love it when people just want to get together. Tonight, bunches of people just started showing up at the house. I always want my living space to be a place where people feel welcomed to come by and hang out. I heart it lots.