Monday, October 31, 2005


I really am bad at expressing myself. Sort of a post-thought from retreat. I know this is one of my many weaknesses... or actually may contribute to my many weaknesses. I just choose not to communicate the condition of my heart so often because I do not know how. Verbally, especially. But also, through touch. As weird as that is, I find it difficult to use physical contact as a way of communicating something... anything deeper than a hand shake. I realize, the more I think about it, that being stoic isn't a quality that I would admire. It doesn't seem to accomplish much.

If I am going to share life with others, that would require me to express my life. One thing that I hope has been helping me is my self expression through drawing. While I have no talent, I am finding that I can spill my soul onto a canvas... or rather, a digital canvas. I guess that's good. As Farrell taught me, there is something beautiful about the process of creation and something intrinsic in us that makes us creative. Examples- God's Creation, Jesus' creativity. Being the non-creative engineer that I am, it's hard for me to embrace the concept. It can only be my hope that I can uncensor myself and spit whatever artistic ability I have onto my screen.

Tonight's drawing is from the retreat and happens to be on paper. Maybe I'll have it handy and you can ask to see it. So in conclusion: Life is our adventure. Take my hand. Let's go.

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