Thursday, October 06, 2005


This evening I stayed on campus in hopes of relaxing and watching the sunset sky from McKeldin Mall. I also tried to make a point of taking it in so I could hopefully paint it. But my intentional art never works out. Indeed, it did end up looking more like a beach. I think I have become more and more obsessed... or rather, just more and more in need of creative self expression because engineering completely sucks any expressive energies out of me. Speaking of creative self expression, we're complete tards. Ryan and I went around and serenaded the housemates with ridiculous songs we made up. What a bunch of freaking weirdos.

Random: the past couple of days, I've noticed that some people interject odd phrases or ideas solely for shock effect. No genuineness or purpose to the words. Just an effect... probably to grab attention. Doesn't that seem a bit self centered and foolish? There are times when it's fun and everything, but often it bugs me that people will use words in that way.

More randomness: It took me a while to settle down to enjoy the evening. A lot of the good spots were not available. There seems to be a bug problem around the West Chapel Courtyard area. How gross and disappointing.

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