Friday, April 29, 2011

Simplify. This mathematical command can similarly be applied to life. Determine the greatest common factor, or the most dominant stressor and remove it from the equation. It doesn't have to be there- I promise you.

The antithesis of seeking simplicity doesn't come to me as an inherently bad thing. After all, adding complex elements to our lives is what keeps them interesting and entertaining. But I think in today's environment we tend to pick up drama, societal expectations, etc. more easily than shed them. So in order to find one's sanity amidst all the chaos, 8/16 -> 1/2.

Thursday, April 07, 2011

I know I may be stating the obvious, but somehow I can't wrap my mind all the way around the concept - it is absolutely paramount that one is happy with who they are. We may be wanting, greedy, or challenge-driven creatures that defy that feeling of being content, which is fine, but I've been thinking that those and other characteristics must prioritize second.

Now, the objective and goal is clear, though I have not the slightest clue on how to get there or if it's even possible.

Friday, April 01, 2011