Saturday, July 02, 2005

A Nice Day:

So in hopes of not making everything depressing-sounding, perhaps I can elaborate on a semi-nice day. Today.

This morning I got a hair cut... and I use that term loosely. They refused to cut a significant amount of my hair because they thought it was better long. No. I want my hair short. I had to get my sister's fiance to help me trim it down to a reasonable length when I got back home. How ridiculous is that?

Then a bunch of us guys went to watch Batman Begins while the gals had that bridal shower. Okay movie. The actual cinematography could have been a bit better in some parts. Just my humble opinion.

Then we ate and cleaned up (same thing) at the bridal shower place. Food = good.

Then chilling for the rest of the night. What an uneventful day. Oh, and some things/some people I now find extremely offensive. But getting off that note.... a nice day.

Get a towel and stop drooling:

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