Saturday, July 23, 2005


Tonight was just a lot of fun. It was really chill and I got along with Tiff's Annapolis friends really well... which is odd, because that doesn't happen often. I definitely don't warm up to people quickly. Something that really amazed me was how shocked Tiff was with all of the little things. Like, she was genuinely touched by the fact that we came all the way from CP. Which was only 40 minutes for us, so none of us really thought it was a big deal. And the cake... she just seemed so happy. I find it astonishing that she can take such joy from the little things. That's real vision right there.

Riding the metro and holding the bar (up on the ceiling) made me want to go outdoors. Well, it made me want to go climbing somewhere, which would probably be doing a little bouldering outside. Maybe two weeks from tomorrow.

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