Sunday, July 24, 2005


Today was a fine day. Somethings I could complain about, but I probably shouldn't in my effort to remain focused on the good things. So now, the random thoughts of the night:

I was reading the CVS history section on their website. Don't ask why. It's pretty bad, with it sounding like CVS is taking over the world and destroying everything in it's path.

My urge to go rock climbing has not gone away. I don't think I'm good at it at all, though. Probably worse off now, since I haven't been practicing. I think I can see my arms shrinking (if that is even physically possible given that they are already like toothpicks). Maybe doing a pullups regiment might be a good idea.

You know, there's a nice event that happened today that I didn't think too much about until now. Cool, a golden nugget for me to take away from today.

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