Saturday, July 30, 2005


So I was vegging by the TV for some of today and I was just flipping through the channels. And I must admit, I stopped to watch Veronica Mars for the first time. And I liked it. It had that Sherlock Holmes feel, probably because the execution was well done in developing the mystery. The show also seemed to have a fun mix of her solving "big-person" problems and her trying to solve the mysteries that surround her in her high school life. There are probably a lot of Nancy Drew undertones, but I wouldn't know since I've never read any of them. I like her character, too- daring, driven, and a little grown up for her age because she won't let others look down on her. It was a pleasant surprise and refreshing to find something different on the tele. Anyway, if any guys out there were reading this I'd probably get railed on.

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