Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Tomorrow's forecast- sunny with highs of 62 degrees in the afternoon. It'll be in the low 70's for a good part of next week. This is all in stark contrast to a week ago when the heat was broken and I woke up to a lovely 30 some degree house. Yeah, the 70 degree weather is nice, but it's not quite as enjoyable as it could be. The air is warm because of the humidity, not to mention that Houston is a top ranked pollution city. Whatever... it's certainly better than dying of pneumonia and freezing to death simultaneously.

I thought I'd just rub that all in while my clothes is drying. I've still got to pack before we leave in six hours!

Random thought: wouldn't it be fun to dig a pit? Not just a hole in the ground, but maybe a good pit trap that's like 8 feet deep. Yeah, that'd be neat.

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