Thursday, December 08, 2005


While I may not have a creative bone in my body, I sure can appreciate the talents of others.

More thoughts on Christmas time. You'll get that happiness and joyfulness. There's the thankfulness, time with family. Then there's that one feeling that comes with the season as well... peace. Sometimes it happens during the candlelight service or during some carol singing, but it's just that one moment where I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and bask in stillness. Yes, Jesus is the Prince of Peace and brings healing into anything we let him deal with. But it's more simple than that. It's like when the baby drifts off to sleep as you rock it gently, you look up at those around you and ever so quietly go, "shhhh"... and then you can't help but smile. Nothing else exists in that precious, fleeting moment. I'm looking forward to it. It may hit you too, whether you're expecting it or not.

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