Friday, December 30, 2005


Happy New Years Eve Eve!

My days here have been filled with lots of video gaming, movie watching, and odd-hour sleeping. Actually, not a lot of the last item when I think about it and I've been sleeping in make-shift places so my back has been fairly achy. I could use a good massage right about now.

Driving around Houston reminded me of two years ago. In that summer, my grandmother passed away. It was a pretty difficult time for everyone, and that first Christmas without her was a strange. Anyway, I was reminded of the funeral day because we were driving on 59, which is one of Houston's main highways. It's huge and flat. The gigantic caravan (police escort, seven limousines, and 30 to 40 following cars) and the fact that the police shut down the highway for us (drove ahead and pulled anyone on the road over)... it was the city of Houston paying respect to the amazing woman who definitely impacted the community in huge ways.

More random thoughts. A couple of my cousins, not to mention my sister, have been getting engaged and married. There's been the infusion of a few non-Chee's into our family get togethers. The sad thing is that it's discouraging. I like these infused people, but it's just that they have to undergo such torture to become part of the family. It's mostly my dad's generation's fault, but I guess that's normal. So I guess that's another thing I'll have to add to my list- an iron constitution and the will of a mighty tornado.

Lastly, a real huh: Last night we went to go play some Halo at my cousin's boyfriend's house. We got to play with a few of his random friends. One guy was briefly on my team because he received a phone call into his first game. It was his girlfriend, and we all had the opportunity to listen him argue with her about how he didn't kill her fish when she was away. He did feed them everyday according to him. I don't know, as far as I could gather he did what he was told to do. But at the same time he seemed a tad bit sketchy. I wouldn't trust him with my fish for a week, given what I could tell from those 15 minutes.

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