Friday, December 09, 2005


Today I had the opportunity to do a little hiding out. Not only disappearing, but with an organ. Okay that doesn't make sense. Anyway, I love organ music. And it doesn't help that my church spoils me with having one of the best organists in the area. What an incredible instrument. It also helped that just last week they callibrated and tuned the pipes there. The sound was just beautiful... I haven't words to describe the experience fully.

I like the fact that the organist was practicing at the time. Maybe this is just in my own head because I do it myself, but when a musician performs they are concentrating on the sound and being sure not to make any mistakes. During practice, and particularly so in today's case, the musician listens to themselves and has no restriction on how they emotionally approach the notes in front of them. Eh, just my tiny rant. Summary- I feel lucky.

But yeah, kind of a lot of contrast today I guess. Funniest thing (by far) I heard today:
Farrell: Why don't you come over here, Bert. Look over there, Anna's doing a dance!

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