Monday, August 29, 2005


Today went from blah to totally cool. After getting back here from church, Mr. Wahba came by to see the place. It has been too long, so it was good to update. Then we went out and took down a tree. That was insanely scary and hilarious at the same time. I then proceeded to cook my first dinner at the house. It was pretty delicious. Lime chicken seared with honey over rice with a side of green peas. Some of us guys went out to the driving range. I think I did pretty terribly for my first time. I doubt I will ever get into golf. It's such a rich-person game, I don't think the whole environment could really fit me. Oh, plus I whiff a lot. We proceeded to cook a massive amount of rice krispies treats while broiling a full rack of spare ribs. It was an impulse buy from Giant... Andy and I couldn't help it. An absolutely delicious impulse buy at that.

There are times in the house where traffic gets pretty busy. People just show up for a bit and leave whenever. It really feels like a big family living here. It's fun. It's also ridiculously late.

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