Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Happy Singles Awareness Day!

No, I'm not bitter... just nostalgic. Things used to be simple on Valentines Day. All I had to do was go to CVS or some other store in the mall with my mom to buy a big packet of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Valentines for my class and copy names from the class list onto the cards. Then there was just throwing them in envelopes, writing the person's name on the outside again, and finally making sure to wear a red shirt. Everybody got the same amount of love from everybody else (except for the teacher, who got the serious, big 'teacher cards' that also come in the pack). But nowadays, saying the right or wrong thing at the right or wrong time could mean anything to somebody. Relationships seem much more complicated.

I've come to the realization, though, that I don't really care. Not to be apathetic or anything, but right thing to do is to be true to myself. Whoa, cliche. 'Just listen to your heart. That's what I do.' Thanks Napoleon. If I am not honest with myself, how can I be honest with God? Or my friends? Or the random stranger who strikes up a conversation? It's a simple lesson that bares a strong challenge. So on this Valentines Day:
May my words hold only truth
May I care for those I love
May I love with no cares

Happy Valentines Day! And in the wise words of my mom, "Don't forget to give your teacher a hug."

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