Wednesday, February 15, 2006


It doesn't take much to de-exist. As a matter of fact, it takes about 20 minutes. Move my bed under the staircase, move my closet into Jeff's, shift around some items, insert a couch from the living room and viola! My room is not a living space. I dare the fire inspector to try and put my life back together.

These sort of things (and by that I mean doing some kind of inventory) get me thinking. I really don't have a lot of stuff. I do pride myself in that... and that's why I was the best nominee for the erasure. Stuff... in the end it just means so little. What if I had to live off of the land? I mean, if I had no home and no possessions, would I be provided for? I think God has answered me with a resounding yes. And I am so thankful. BBB. But there's much much more work to be done on my heart and mind in terms of trusting Him.

Passion does not come without sacrifice. Sacrifice does not come without love.

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