Monday, February 13, 2006


Here's what eHarmony has to say (the whole analysis). If you know this person, send her my way. Skip down for the summary if you don't feel like reading any of this.

Kindness: Your ideal mate is the kind of person who wants to be there for you when you need her. She will try to be thoughtful to you, even if she doesn't always know exactly what you want. She'll be respectful and generally won't demand more from you than you are willing to give. Communication: Your ideal companion is a woman who is willing to talk about herself, but doesn't feel the need to do so constantly. When she meets new people, she connects easily and can talk at length. At other times, she might run out of things to say if the dialogue isn't flowing. She thinks it's important for people to talk openly and honestly with each other but might need occasional prodding to open up.
Character: Your ideal mate isn't going to let other people's misfortunes get her down. Yes, homeless people need help and charities do lots of good work, but that's not necessarily anything that concerns her. She takes care of herself and won't feel the need to try and solve all your problems. Your relationship will be based more on mutual respect than a need for emotional support.
Autonomy: You will be best matched with someone who wants to know all of the important things about your past. She'll be equally interested in living in the present and planning a future. She won't need to know every detail about your life or every thought that crosses your mind. She's the kind of person who sees herself as part of a couple but still maintains her independence and identity.
Vitality and Security: You will be most compatible with a woman is comfortable with a future that's somewhat undefined. She's self-reliant and isn't looking for emotional support. Friends see her as someone who isn't looking to be rescued; she can take care of herself. She generally focuses on short-term goals rather than things that are years down the road.
Conflict Resolution: You'll be happiest with a woman who tries to avoid conflict altogether. When she does have a disagreement, she tries to keep the peace instead of adding fuel to the fire. Resolving the argument is generally more important to her than being right, but she will stand up for herself.
Adaptability: Your ideal mate is generally good at dealing with change, whether it's a new position at work or a family crisis. When faced with a challenge, she generally tries to find the happy medium. She stands firm on things that are important to her but can be flexible when necessary.
Humor: Your ideal mate is the kind of woman who is funny and interesting. Sometimes, she likes telling jokes, making people laugh with things like one-liners or satirical observations about friends and family. But she doesn't need to be a constant one-woman show.
Emotional Energy: You'll be happiest with someone who understands that you sometimes need down-time to recharge. She likes being a spectator, whether it's watching sports or just people-watching at an airport. She's not the kind of person who always has a list of things she wants to accomplish in a day.
Romantic Passion: Your ideal mate is a woman who likes to focus on the things of substance in a relationship, not on mushy feelings. She wants to spend time with her partner, but that could just as easily mean taking a hike as fixing a romantic dinner. She might think things like Valentine's Day are somewhat contrived romantic situations, which is probably a relief to someone like you.
Dominance: You are best suited to someone who doesn't view life as a competition. She enjoys a game for the sake of playing, rather than needing a victory. Her friends describe her as pretty laid-back and say she rarely if ever gets competitive about her private life or work.
Sociability: You'll be happiest with a woman who likes to spend time with old friends and make new ones. She might not always be the first to strike up a conversation with a stranger, but she is rarely tongue-tied once the conversation is underway. At parties, she's the type of person who isn't afraid to venture outside her group of friends.
Intellect: Your ideal mate is quick-witted without being over-intellectual or boring. She likes to think of herself as comfortably in the middle between people who think too much and others don't think at all. She will appreciate your intelligence, but she isn't an intellectual snob.
Artistic Passion: You are best suited to the kind of woman who sometimes likes to express herself creatively. She has an artistic streak, but she probably doesn't think of herself as a die-hard artiste.
Curiosity: You will be well matched with a woman who doesn't need to ferret out information that has no bearing on her day-to-day life. In the long run, you will find it difficult to be with someone who places enormous value on random bits of knowledge gathered just for the sake of knowing more than everyone else. She would generally rather be doing than learning about something.
Sexual Passion: You'll be most fulfilled by the kind of woman who believes sex is an important part of a great relationship - but not the only part. She is looking for physical chemistry with a man, the kind of spark that comes from genuine romantic attraction. However, she also appreciates that there is more to a "real relationship" than sex.
Appearance: You are most compatible with a woman who wants to look good but doesn't obsess over it. She will appreciate the time and effort you put into your appearance and be happy with the end result. Ultimately, however, she is more concerned with who you are than what you look like.
Physical Energy: You are best suited to someone who likes to stay active but also enjoys spending quiet time at home. She makes staying healthy and exercising a normal part of her life, but she also enjoys kicking back and relaxing when the time is right.
Education: Your ideal mate is accomplished academically, but she doesn't brag about it. During her school years, she was the type of person who balanced studying with things like extracurricular activities or spending time with friends. She wants a partner who's her intellectual equal, but she can also appreciate other things about him.
Industry: You are best suited to someone who appreciates rest and relaxation. She doesn't measure her self-worth by how much she can accomplish each day. She's comfortable with who she is and what she has.
Ambition: You will be happiest with a woman who isn't obsessed with things like career advancement, money and power. She is content with her current status in life. She cares about her performance professionally and wants to be popular socially, but she isn't comparing herself to everyone around her.
Organization: Your ideal mate is the type of person who keeps her home neat and clean, without being obsessive about it. She likes to be structured at home, and make sure everything has its place. But she won't look down on you if you kick off your shoes and don't straighten them at the door. She's good at creating a home that's comfortable and welcoming, the perfect place to relax.
Self Concept: Your ideal match is someone who is self-assured and agreeable. She believes in herself, so she is willing to take the occasional risk. She wants to fit in but doesn't feel the need to change in order to do so. Her friends most likely describe her as someone who's secure.
Mood Management: You are most compatible with someone who avoids taking bad moods out on others. She knows that everyone has their moody days, so she won't overreact when you're irritable. When she's in a foul mood, she'll usually make sure she doesn't take it out on others.
Emotional Status: You are best suited to a woman who is generally happy and hopeful for the future. There are things in her life she'd like to improve, but she generally has faith that she'll attain her goals. She's not the type of person to overreact when she has a problem. Friends see her as someone who tries to focus on the positive.
Obstreperousness: Your ideal mate generally follows the adage: If you can't say something nice, it's better not to say anything at all. She may have strong beliefs, but she usually avoids stating them strongly if it would offend others. She is rarely argumentative.
Anger Management: You will be happiest with a woman who controls her temper. Generally speaking, she has a long fuse. When she does get mad, she doesn't take it out on others or blame them for her frustration.
Traditionalism: You'll be happiest with a woman who is conservative morally. Her beliefs influence most aspects of her life. She generally believes people should strive to do what's right in every situation. She wants to find a man who shares her values and beliefs about things like religion, country and family.
Spirituality: Your ideal mate's spiritual beliefs are the foundation of her character. She sets aside time for things like reading the scriptures, praying or seeking a higher guidance for her life. She wants to find a man who shares her beliefs.
Family Goals: Your ideal mate shares you desires to start a new family and experience the joys of parenthood. She loves kids and expects that they will play a central role in her life. Altruism: Your ideal mate is someone who cares about the needy. She believes society is dependent on everyone to solve problems, so she turns her convictions into action. Perhaps she volunteers at the local soup kitchen or organizes a recycling or clothing drive. She's known for her willingness to do whatever she can to assist others.
Family Background: Your ideal mate will probably understand if your relationship with your family is distant, uninvolved or filled with conflict. Her own family relationships are sometimes marked by tension, miscommunication or anger, but she has learned to adapt.

She has a strong intellect.
She likes to keep abreast of what's happening in the world.
She is very interested in knowing and learning about certain things.S
She likes to keep a healthy balance between "using her head" and "using her heart."
She enjoys telling or laughing at jokes sometimes.
She sometimes enjoys sharing a great joke or humorous movie with friends.
She generally feels that she has a lot to offer the right person.
She generally takes the time to stay in touch and maintain friendships.
It will be important that she incorporate faith and spirituality into her relationship.
It is very important to her to be part of a religious community.
She has some strong, traditional views.
Being passive or failing to do her part is unacceptable to her.

I'm almost certain that some part of this profile has changed. There are some distinct characteristics that I remember reading on the summary page that are not there anymore. Anyways, it's not too far off. There are parts that I really don't agree with at all. But hey, it's a free personality report.

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