Thursday, September 08, 2005


I don't like politics. I think discussion about politics is ridiculous... but I am going to throw in my ridiculous two cents anyway.

I think the only way we, the general public, learn about politics is through the media. Today's media is really lousy and counter productive. I could support that statement with some amazing evidence, but I don't feel like doing that now.

Since no one will agree about politics, whether you're Republican or Democrat... or Independent, Communist, Vegetarian... Christian or non-Christian, I am trying to think outside of the box. I call it Vigilanteism. Imagine all US foreign policy controlled by vigilantes. If some group of people felt passionate about helping tsunami victims, they would go over there and spend their money and time helping people. If some people felt passionate about some injustice in South America, they would gather their own para-army, buy guns and plane tickets, and shoot some bad guys. People wouldn't be paying taxes for foreign relations so they would have the money to do those sort of things.

I don't actually believe in this, mainly because it's pretty much Anarchism with a slight twist, but it's a great way to stump people. There's no flaw to the design, if you rationalize it enough. And it's so out there that there aren't too many pre-designed arguments against it.

My brother tried to build up some controversy about US foreign policy, but it didn't stand up to my Vigilanteism. Try me, it's fool-proof. (Not including ethical issues... those don't count for anything)

1 comment:

~nathan~ said...

I like the new philosophy, Bert. Although you aren't really too far off from the truth. If you take out the violence aspect, it's probably the best way to handle relief and aid efforts.

But taking out the violence takes out the fun, so nevermind.