Sometimes it is hard to be motivated at work--
me: haha
i want guacamole
5:12 PM
Matt: i should have been a roman emperor
go get some
look at you, you're like a bag of hungryness
me: a sack, even
Matt: haha
5:13 PM
yeah but it could be a marble sack, or a potato sack...big size difference
a bag is general you know around the same size
unless its a snack, sandwich, or lunch bag
5:14 PM
me: there aren't very big bags though... like few reach the size of a sack
Matt: yes
me: body bag perhaps
Matt: true story hippos
5:15 PM
and baseball bags
me: hockey bag
that's all i can think of
Matt: yeah i was squinting because i was thinking hard
me: for sacks, you have all kinds of produce that comes in sacks
peanuts too
5:16 PM
Matt: none as big as the potato though
me: i don't know anyone who has a marble sack
Matt: i have a marble sack
they had marble sack in the movie major league 2 as well
5:17 PM
me: that's just unamerican