Thursday, June 08, 2006


There are a couple of things that I can think of that I really dislike. One of the items towards the top of the list is breakups. I mostly hate breakups... and I say mostly because occasionally there are those relationships where you say (usually behind their backs), "Man, she has just gotta loose that jerk because she deserves better." But anyway, it seems to me that even the most amiable terminations of a relationship cut pretty deep. It's pretty easy to sense the pain and just plain awkward to listen to someone justify the breakup. How does one react when this sort of thing unexpectedly comes up in conversation? I am really bad at comforting people so maybe it's just me. Oh, and I should also mention that empathizing with breakupees only makes me more scared of relationships. Yeah so note to self, never become a breakup counselor.

On a completely separate note, I had a semi-strange dream last night. I was having a bunch of fun on some lake (apparently near the Crazy House) with friends, but then these guys in suits start chasing us all over the place. We try to hide and loose them by they keep following us. Finally, they do catch me and two other people and sit us down for interrogation. Somehow, I'm able to steal the gun out of the agent's holster and pull the trigger twice. I think I was feeling angry and really wanted to take him out because I tried to put two bullets in his chest without hesitation. Alas, the clip was empty... he pulled another gun on me and found that he didn't have any ammo neither. Then the guy in the suit tries to attack me, but I bludgeon him to death with the hilt of the pistol. It was kind of traumatic. I'm not sure why or how I can remember this particular dream in such detail, nor am I sure why I find it necessary to write about it here. I am interested, though, to see if anyone has some interpretations for me.

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