Sunday, June 04, 2006


It seems as if I've got a mild case of insomnia tonight. Not really, actually. I just had a pretty decent dose of caffiene earlier tonight, not thinking that such a drink would have an effect on my system. Of course, after two hours (plus some) of trying to fall asleep I realize I was fairly off. I've tried a few of my techniques but have had little success. Eating, toe wiggling (a few minutes is supposed to increase blood circulation and relax the body and mind), and now blogging. That's right, I do associate blogging with falling asleep since I typically do it late at night. Anyway, I find that whenever I close my eyes my mind takes off racing. The effects of sleep deprivation are often compared to the effects of alcohol. I would most likely agree that some of my decision making processes are impaired right now.

Ah, a yawn. A big one too. Maybe the blogging is working after all.

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