Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Nothing too new to report. Just a few quick thoughts.

Two things that do not mix in seminars- dramatic/energetic presentation and logical fallacies. Sometimes you can get away with presenting partial truths, as a comprehensive explanation would not be fitting to get the point across... however when stated in an excited fashion the partial is presented as an absolute truth. Doing such a thing irritates me to no end.

Volleyball is the chiznit. I find it really fun to play and quite enjoyable to learn. I believe, though, that it is too late for me to really get into it competitively so I will only play in the most casual of settings... unless an opportunity presents itself where I can truly commit to learn the sport (example: if there's a community or work league).

It's been a rather slow day on facebook. Not the sort of day I prefer.

I finished the third book of the Martin series. I gotta say, it's gotten too tedious and I don't think I want to read on. Mason, I can give you more thoughts and details if you want.


Esthertainment said...

Oh Bert. Have you started yet?

Elli said...

if you move to baltimore, there are community teams that you can play volleyball in. Kelly, Dana, and I are going to play kickball.

j dede said...

bert, its dede. call me if you get a chance.