Sunday, April 08, 2007


To procrastinate from studying and as requested by Seye, I present to you- another post.

While poking around on YouTube, I came across this little nugget:

Man, seeing this brings back so many fond memories.

Hey, why don't you leave a comment with a memory from one of these childhood TV shows and I'll see if I share it with you:
Mr. Rogers
Power Rangers
The Magic School Bus
Bill Nye


Seye said...

power rangers, of course.

Rita Repulsa's opening line:
after ten thousand years i'm FREEEE!
It's time to conquer EARTH!

Green Ranger, by far, the best. The dragonzord was no joke.

charlie said...

sleeping in class durning Bill Nye, like whoa.

K. Ann said...

I was real into mr. rogers...remember those creepy puppets and that cat that said meow before everything?

j dede said...

in agreeance with seye - the green ranger was pretty b.a.; acting on the show was pretty horrible though.
bill nye the science guy was nerdiness at its best. he was such an eccentric character.