Wednesday, May 17, 2006


What an eclectic day.
1. Wake up and study, study.
2. Celebrating Jenn's birthday at Chevy's
3. Spend several hours at the Crazy House, making up games with a large hair band and a racquetball with Jeff, Jason, and Jayme. I'm really surprised how entertained we could be.
4. Visit Limestone as they smoked hookah and cigars. I've never been a fan of putting anything but good, clean air inside of my lungs, though I don't mind hanging out in the smoke.
5. Spectated several games of beer pong at home. We've never had beer pong here.
Now I've been up way too late. Tomorrow holds another exam and maybe a late evening in the fountains.

p.s. the boys downstairs seem pretty krunked... though Jayme was extremely high this evening even though she didn't have a drop of alcohol so maybe my judgement is off.

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