Friday, March 24, 2006


I love, love, love, LOVE this musical. Currently watching Guys and Dolls on DVD. As far as I'm concerned, there's only one production version that exists. Good ole Frank Sinatra and Marlon Brando. It's one of those movies I could watch (or soundtracks I could listen to) and never get tired of... sort of like Rent for some people *ahem*.

I think I'm going to make my goal of one day playing in the pit for a Guys and Dolls production official by putting it on my 43things. Here's my favorite song that I'd love to play some day:

Your eyes are the eyes of a woman in love,
and oh, how they give you away.
Why try to deny you're a woman in love?
When I know very well what I say.
I say no moon in the sky ever lent such a glow,
some flame deep within made them shine.
Those eyes are the eyes of a woman in love,
and may they gaze ever more into mine,
Crazily gaze evermore into mine.

The melody is absolutely beautiful. Note, though, it was specifically written into the movie version, and hence is not performed in most stage productions. Wouldn't it be great to randomly break out in song? What about an old fashion dance sequence?

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