Wednesday, June 29, 2005


I suppose you could call today a success.

I had a relatively productive day at work. Productive meaning that I keep my hands moving and keep busy doing menial work. Though I did have a good conversation with one of my coworkers so that was pretty neat.

I did a lot of driving today just picking people up and the such. It was really nice, even in rush hour traffic, because I really do enjoy that moving air and the radio blasting (and the singing along). I take pride in not using the AC and saving gas.

I completed building the new computer. It's not for me, but rather it is my little brother's new computer for school. It's a pretty neat machine, and it's a relief that it is pretty much finished.

That was my day. It sounds boring, so I'm not sure whether I should reneg on calling it a success... better finish off before I change my mind.

p.s. I guess Sara is really the only one who reads this, so there

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