Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I've been working on this new sleeping experiment for a while.

For the past 6 plus months, I have consciously played several games of solitaire (single draw) every night right as I get into bed. I'll play as many games as needed as long as I win about 2 or 3. The effort is to ultimately self-program myself to sleep using a mild brain stimulation pattern. Solitaire is perfect because it uses the same patterns, strategies, and actions. The opposite would be to kick around on Facebook in bed, as every entry is unique and elicits an emotional response.

So do I have any successes to report? It's hard to tell. Probably about 99% of the time, playing is the last thing I can remember about going to bed, but there are too many variables that prevent me from deriving any conclusive evidence. For example, I think I typically run at an above average tiredness rate compared to others, so the fact that I knock out quickly might just be because I'm exhausted all the time. Other patterns skew the experiment such as me going to bed around the same time every night.

Perhaps in another 6 months I'll have gathered better evidence on whether or not the experiment is working. This may call for a spreadsheet to use as recordkeeping.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have not looked around on blogspot for prob a year or more...literally. I now come back to find out people actually still update, quite frequently actually. Interesting experiment tho