Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm not particularly informed of the details regarding the new health care bill.

On the internets, I saw many Republicans title their reaction articles with the quote "So this is how liberty dies... to thunderous applause," and I thought to myself- "I know this quote, but it can't be."

Yes indeed, the quote originates from the classic Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith; spoke by none other than Natalie Portman in her riveting performance as Senator Amadala of Naboo. Not Braveheart, but SW Ep3. People must have Barack confused with Pope Benedict XVI?

And if you're going to quote Star Wars, at least use the originals. It's a trap!


Seye said...
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Seye said...

oh no! as of 2014 you will no longer have the liberty of having healthcare debt as 62% of the reason for personal bankruptcy!

so terrible...