Friday, April 14, 2006


The past two days have proven to be more stressful than I had hoped. Though when I think back on what I did throughout the past 48 hours, it doesn't seem that bad. Oh well, the point is that they're now over. I was really looking forward to doing something exciting, yet relaxing this evening to vent but nothing seemed to pop up. So instead I cleaned and did laundry. Not exactly what I had in mind, but I am glad that my sheets are finally clean now that the washer is fixed. So tomorrow better be spectacular or else I'm going to be pretty disappointed.

Oh yeah, I also pulled out MD t-shirts to see what might work well. I think I'm actually short on red, much to my surprise. Somehow I'm seeing black overpower all the other colors. So if you have any extra red MD t-shirts just lying around, send 'em my way.

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