Wednesday, August 31, 2005


So this afternoon and evening was pretty much completely spent doing grocery shopping. First I went to Costco with Jeff and then after that I went to Shoppers with Andy. I think the time span went from 3 to 10. The sad thing is that I didn't even really buy much food. It's sort of depressing, thinking that I wasted a whole bunch of my day. I suppose it wasn't bad, but just in that specific perspective.

Anyway, I ran into (relatively) a bunch of people that I know today, given the fact that I spent a good amount of time just sitting in one corner of the union and some more time up in North Campus where I know few people. There are a few people that I would have really, really liked to have run into today, just because I haven't had much time to do that whole catching up thing with them yet.

I really love how much being in this house makes me feel like I'm in a crazy family. And I love how there are just a constant flow of people coming and going.

Tomorrow is a long and hard day. But I think we're making home made BBQ chicken pizza and smoothies tomorrow. Yum.

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